
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020


Why talk about pumpkin? 
Pumpkin is a cultivar of Winter squash, is one of my favorite vegetables I don’t know if I love this product because of its taste or flavor or the many ways to cook. The last factor that I mentioned is so important as a student that live alone I a city that isn’t mine, I love remember the food that my grandma cook. One of these dishes is the pumpkin cream, of all the dishes that I love to cook it’s my favorite. The first is roast the pumpkin in the oven, the next step is grind it and braise it with cram, ginger, pepper and salt. This the cooking recipe of my grandma but there too many different forms to cook the pumpkin and make the cream.

Plebiscite 2020

Plebiscite 2020 One thing I learned from the Plebiscite 2020  was that you don’t  win an election only with a terror campaign. There are so  much more things that matters for such an transcendental  election, one of them is the mobilization in the street. If the street protest had not been successful, the plebiscite would be impossible.
I am very satisfied with the result obtained in the plebiscite, I eagerly wanted the approval, therefore the satisfaction when the approval wins was incredible, finally the Pinochet constitution is over. When the election was over and the result was stated, I was really proud and happy watching people in social media and TV celebrating over the approval win. I felt hope. I also feel happy for having the opportunity of being part of this big moment in history, Maybe I’m not a known face or name of this period of time but I’m an anonymous part of it. I’m excited about what’s coming, I have high hopes about having a better and equal future.